Use Cases
Independent or Assisted Living Facilities with Penyo's AI companions

- Supportive and encouraging- Help seniors settle into the facility.
- Personalized- Learn each senior’s interest areas and preferences.
- Available 24/7- Always available during all hours of the day.
- Recommendations- Sync with real-time activity feed to recommend the most relevant activities to participate in.
- Matching- connect seniors with others in the facility based on common interests.
- Medicine instructions- Repeat medicine instructions when needed.
- Care instructions- Surface care needs that are not being met.
- Actionable feedback- Organize feedback from seniors about facilities or the quality of care received.
- Overall satisfaction- Maintain longer-term mood charts to detect anomalies.
Help seniors feel supported and grounded
Help seniors engage more with facility
Reduce staffing costs with automations
Proactive insights to improve retention
Senior Centers with Penyo's AI companions

- Personalized- Learn each senior’s interest areas and preferences.
- Recommendations- Sync with real-time activity feed to recommend the most relevant activities to participate in.
- Role of a supportive friend- Fulfill social needs during this key transition period.
- At-home activities- Offer virtual classes, exercises etc.
Improve engagement with active members
Support recently inactive members (due to health changes) through the transition
Dementia Support Programs with Penyo's AI companions

- Through speaking practice and cognitive exercises, delay the onset of dementia.
- Show empathy and support to seniors going through the condition.
Progression intervention
Role of a supportive friend
Questions about our above use cases or interested in a demo?
Contact us at or sign up for a demo.